Have you been tricked into moving your money into a "safe account"?

A "safe account scam" involves tricking individuals into believing their money needs to be transferred to a secure account for safety reasons.

Find out how we can help today.

Get my money back

1 in 17 Adults in the UK are victims of scams and fraud


Get in contact

Complete the short form with details about the scam


Free call with solicitor

Specialist fraud team will speak to you about the details of your loss


Leave it to us

We'll prepare and submit your case to reclaim your money

Understanding Safe Account Scams

Safe account scams deceive individuals into moving their funds to a so-called secure account for "protection". Scammers claim this transfer is necessary to safeguard money from supposed threats or account breaches.

Common Safe Account Scam Scenarios

  • Scammers posing as bank officials warning of a security breach.
  • Fraudsters claiming to be law enforcement advising on protecting assets from criminals.
  • Impersonating financial advisors suggesting a transfer to avoid financial loss.

These scams often involve urging immediate action through untraceable payment methods like wire transfers or online payment platforms.

Dynamics of Safe Account Scams

Scammers exploit fears of financial insecurity, using urgent and authoritative tones to convince victims. They leverage fake credentials and sophisticated communication methods to appear legitimate, aiming to drain victims' accounts under the guise of protection.

Professional, confidental highly rated service

“SJS Legal were always looking after our interests and we were very happy with the outcome of our case.They were very professional in their dealings with us and would recommend them fully. They kept us fully informed at all times.“

- Christopher Jones

Even if your bank has said "no", we will fight to reclaim your money with our no win, no fee fraud recovery service.

It only takes 60 seconds to complete

Frequently asked questions

Can I make a claim?
What are the fees?
Who are we?
Are we regulated?

Have a question?

Feel free to get in contact, we're happy to help

By telephone

0151 909 6120

The Effects of Romance 'Fraud'

Fraud poses a significant threat to the people, prosperity, and security of the UK. It is by far the most common crime and now accounts for over 40% of all offences in England and Wales.

1 in 17

In just one year, 1 in 17 adults were victims of fraud *

7 in 10

More than 7 in 10 adults targeted by scams in the last 12 months, being hit on average three times each week **


revealed that 13% of Brits have lost money to fraud, with 7% having lost as much as £5,000 **


Phishing scams is the highest type of scam, leading at 37% of all safe account fraud **

Sources: The statastics are referenced from independent 3rd party organizations

*Source: Crime Survey for England and Wales, (Sept 2023) ** https://www.natwestgroup.com/ (Oct 2023)

Wealth Reclaim is a trading style of SJS Legal. SJS Legal is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA Number: 639197)